16 May 2024





Works from the novobanco Photography Collection
patent in the Novobanco Photography Collection space


Renowned American artist Andres Serrano was born in New York in 1950, having started his artistic career in the 1980s. Combining elements of classical and pop cultures, his occasionally controversial works offer a reflection on the contemporary individual and the contradictions of American society.

In the series presented here, part of our Photography Collection, the artist reflects on developments in American society following the events of September 11th, 2001. Through his work, the artist questions the belief in the ‘American Dream,’ an idea of freedom and equality underpinned by equal opportunities for all, regardless of social class. Allowing citizens to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative in a society without obstacles.
In this series, made in the tradition of studio photography, Andres Serrano presents powerful and sumptuously lit portraits of a broad spectrum of Americans. Serrano dubbed his unique vision of America ‘My America’, a melting pot that includes the anonymous and the famous, the rich and the poor. Depicting everyone, from firefighters and nurses to B.B. King, he leads us to understand that America is all these things.

The superb quality of Serrano’s saturated prints challenges established notions of beauty and social taboos.

Serrano has received several grants and prizes from Organizations.

Curatorship: Alexandra Conde


Espaço novobanco

Pç. Marquês de Pombal 3A, 1250-161 Lisboa

Open | 9h - 17h